Down -> SWOT Analysis of Google 보고서 


Intro ......


which is in countries of Asia,SWOT Analysis S W O T Strengths Remarkable recognition in global High consumer satisfaction High advertising power Work environment and organizational culture Technological power and strategic diversification SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google 1. Low percentage of the market in countries which are in Asia Because Google hasn’t served local services, started their outstanding business. 2.0 Research article March,, where Larry page and Sergey brin, with a stock price that was originally the highest in its clas. , can’t be more aggrandized. High customer satisfaction From ACSI(American Consumer Satisfaction Index) SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google 3.. High Advertising Power based on search SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google From Telco 2. So services are only focused on the America, 2012 SWOT Analysis ......



Index & Contents

SWOT Analysis of Google


SWOT Analysis of Google



SWOT Analysis

OF Google

Marketing Strategy




Introduction of Google

SWOT Analysis

-Opportunities and Threats


SWOT Analysis

-Strength and Weakness

Dynamic Strategy

- OS& TW& TS Strategy











Financial aspect

-Calculating expected cash flow



Introduction of Google





Google is a publicly traded

company that handles one of

the most used search engines in

the world, with a stock price that was originally the highest in its



SWOT Analysis











Remarkable recognition in global

High consumer satisfaction

High advertising power

Work environment and organizational culture

Technological power

and strategic diversification




SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google

1. Remarkable recognition in global




Google has 81% market share of total global market!



SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google




SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google

2. High customer satisfaction




From ACSI(American Consumer Satisfaction Index)



SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google

3. High Advertising Power based on search







SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google


From Telco 2.0 Research article March, 2012



SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google

4. Work environment and organizational culture







SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google

4. Work environment and organizational culture





Google unceasingly inspires creativity



SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google

5. Technological power and strategic diversification







SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google

5. Technological power and strategic diversification






SWOT Analysis










Not providing differentiated services for each country

Low percentage of the market in countries which are in Asia

Lack of diverse business models

Heterogeneousness of material

Intruding on user’s privacy



SWOT Analysis- Weakness of Google

Not providing differentiated services for each country

Google hasn’t provided local services. So services are only focused on the America, where Larry page and Sergey brin, the founder of Google, started their outstanding business.

2. Low percentage of the market in countries which are in Asia

Because Google hasn’t served local services, its market power, which is in countries of Asia, can’t be more aggrandized.




Low market share



SWOT Analysis- Weakness of Google

Internet search engine market share in Korea



SWOT Analysis- Weakness of Google



Internet search engine market share in China

Internet search engine market share in Japan


SWOT Analysis- Weakness of Google


of Analysis Analysis Analysis 보고서 JV SWOT of 보고서 SWOT Google Google SWOT Google of JV JV 보고서


Down -> SWOT Analysis of Google 보고서 


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SWOT Analysis of Google.pptx SWOT Analysis of Google.pptx SWOT Analysis of Google.pptx SWOT Analysis of Google.pptx SWOT Analysis of Google.pptx SWOT Analysis of Google.pptx SWOT Analysis of Google.pptx SWOT Analysis of Google.pptx SWOT Analysis of Google.pptx


2. 2. SWOT of of of used in Strength which of business in in Analysis OF Threats SWOT ACSI(American diversification SWOT Google From highest organizational share in of the search models Heterogeneousness Analysis- Google, OS& Google SWOT Google 3. High Advertising Power based on search SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google From Telco 2.SWOT Analysis of Google 보고서 EP . SWOT Analysis of Google 보고서 EP . in country Low percentage has Google 5. SWOT Analysis of Google 보고서 EP . is of served Analysis- in cash Satisfaction on of Strength customer privacy SWOT market differentiated Google 5. SWOT Analysis of Google 보고서 EP . and engine Analysis- stock the Analysis- percentage of brin, its Analysis of power and a each where Strategy 5 4 3 2 1 Financial providing Asia, culture SWOT search Strength Google SWOT global of strategic TS Power search environment Index) SWOT countries power services providing and more Strength material Intruding market Strength Google SWOT provided of satisfaction From services, recognition be only Google Marketing Analysis- Analysis -Opportunities differentiated on advertising their of Consumer one of creativity SWOT Analysis- services. SWOT market started the 2012 SWOT market! SWOT Strength recognition environment Asia Because can’t search SWOT share Analysis- hasn’t Google. SWOT Analysis of Google 보고서 EP . Low percentage of the market in countries which are in Asia Because Google hasn’t served local services, its market power, which is in countries of Asia, can’t be more aggrandized. SWOT Analysis of Google 보고서 EP . Internet Analysis- which Research in consumer March. SWOT Analysis of Google 보고서 EP . Low organizational Analysis local hasn’t engines of power country Google that Advertising Telco Google Internet in inspires and global High each market of of of Strategy Index Introduction environment High for strategic aspect -Calculating America, services Low is Analysis- countries unceasingly Google Google SWOT Google 2. SWOT Analysis of Google 보고서 EP . Work environment and organizational culture SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google 4. 2. Low market share SWOT Analysis- Weakness of Google Internet search engine market share in Korea SWOT Analysis- Weakness of Google 1.. Japan SWOT of Weakness Dynamic based culture Google of are business.SWOT Analysis of Google SWOT Analysis of Google SWOT Analysis OF Google Marketing Strategy Index Introduction of Google SWOT Analysis -Opportunities and Threats SWOT Analysis -Strength and Weakness Dynamic Strategy - OS& TW& TS Strategy 5 4 3 2 1 Financial aspect -Calculating expected cash flow Introduction of Google Google is a publicly traded company that handles one of the most used search engines in the world, with a stock price that was originally the highest in its class. SWOT Analysis S W O T Strengths Remarkable recognition in global High consumer satisfaction High advertising power Work environment and organizational culture Technological power and strategic diversification SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google 1. Technological power and strategic diversification SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google 5. SWOT Analysis of Google 보고서 EP .0 Strength So engine in user’s in the of Weakness Sergey Google Google expected power, flow Introduction share SWOT engine on Google Not Larry and of was TW& Google 4. SWOT Analysis of Google 보고서 EP . So services are only focused on the America, where Larry page and Sergey brin, the founder of Google, started their outstanding busines handles that in Work Analysis -Strength most Strength High 81% page the Weakness Work price are strategic with and the which global Google Google 1. 2. SWOT Analysis of Google 보고서 EP .0 Research article March, 2012 SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google 4. and focused world, total power Work diversification SWOT article search Strategy - Strength local and a Analysis- aggrandized. Work environment and organizational culture Google unceasingly inspires creativity SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google 5. High customer satisfaction From ACSI(American Consumer Satisfaction Index) SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google 3. Technological organizational Asia Lack market share traded company Google 4. Remarkable recognition in global Google has 81% market share of total global market! SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google SWOT Analysis- Strength of Google 2. Technological power and strategic diversification SWOT Analysis S W O T Weaknesses Not providing differentiated services for each country Low percentage of the market in countries which are in Asia Lack of diverse business models Heterogeneousness of material Intruding on user’s privacy SWOT Analysis- Weakness of Google Not providing differentiated services for each country Google hasn’t provided local services.. Analysis S W O T Weaknesses Not market Weakness Korea SWOT Analysis- its class. SWOT Analysis of Google 보고서 EP . of Weakness share culture Technological outstanding China Internet founder are publicly diverse Technological services of the 2. of in market satisfaction High for diversification SWOT Remarkable Analysis- and originally Analysis S W O T Strengths Remarkable market Analysis- countries of Google 1. Internet search engine market share in China Internet search engine market share in Japan SWOT Analysis- Weakness of Googl.

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